Tag Archive for: Baltic2Belgium

As I mentioned before in Latvia, I would come back to posting about this place!
Skrunda-1 is the site of a Soviet closed city that was attached to two Soviet 'Dnepr' (NATO: Hen House) Radar installations. The town housed all associated staff…

Day 14 – 15 Luxembourg & Belgium
This is probably the least adventurous part of the trip, the last 2 days from Germany back to the final destination Ghent, in Belgium, but for the sake of being complete I'm adding it as well.
The last day in Germany we were confronted…

Day 10 – 13 Germany
I've been in Germany the past 4 days, here's what happened. The sim card I bought the first day was more than 10 times as expensive as in Poland and I've barely had any decent reception, so this update comes on the first night of decent WiFi!

Day 8 – 9 Poland Part 2
As I was only halfway through Poland, there was still a lot of riding left to do, here's what happened the past few days.
After our night in Skowrony, the kids helped us out with packing the bikes by bringing our gear out in a random sequence…

Day 5-7 – Poland
After our stay in an AirBnB in Birstonas, near Kaunas in Lithuania, we set off for Poland.

Day 3-4 Lithuania
We crossed the border to Lithuania pretty early, as Vainode where we had stayed was only a few km's away from it. Now, as bad as it sounds, i knew very little of Lithuania other than that I thought it was the poorest of the 3 Baltic states (wrong:…

Day 1 & 2 – Latvia
Since setting off for my trip back to Belgium, me and Timmy have been well underway for two days in Latvia.
Since we picked the cheapest cabin option on the boat, we shared a 4-berth cabin. There was one guy who had left his huge knife…